
What exactly does the “notify_customer_via_store” parameter in the “CreateShipmentInput” control? I am testing setting it to false and Shiphero is still initiating an email from the Shopify store. Is there a bug with this?

If you need an example to investigate:

{shipment_create(data:{notify_customer_via_shiphero:false notify_customer_via_store:false order_id:“T3JkZXI6MjIwNzkwNzEy” warehouse_id:“V2FyZWhvdXNlOjU5NjU=” customer_account_id:“53037” address:{name:"" address1:"" address2:"" city:"" state:"" zip:"" country:"" phone:""} line_items:[{line_item_id:“TGluZUl0ZW06NTg5MDY1NTYz” quantity:1}] labels:[{line_item_ids:[“TGluZUl0ZW06NTg5MDY1NTYz”] tracking_number:“285037170045” address:{name:"" address1:"" address2:"" city:"" state:"" zip:"" country:"" phone:""} carrier:“Cheapest” shipping_name:“Standard Shipping” shipping_method:“Ever” cost:“0.00” dimensions:{weight:“1” height:“1” width:“1” length:“1”} label:{paper_pdf_location:"" thermal_pdf_location:"" pdf_location:""}}]} ){ request_id complexity}}


Hi @bbarrett,
Thank you for the request-id, I will check it out. As you said, I would assume it would keep the information from going to the store that sends out the shipment confirmation email. I will have to test it, but it does sound like a bug.

Any progress on this?

This has been sent to engineering to be researched as a bug. We will update the progress in this thread.