Update order/order lines status in Shopify from Shiphero GraphQL

I set:
notify_customer_via_shiphero - True
notify_customer_via_store - True
but it doesn’t work for shopify.

I see on Shiphero side:
Updated Store With Shipment Data? No

It should be Yes. How I can fix this?
Also I can’t fetch latest version of API:
python3 -m sgqlc.introspection
-H “Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN” \
http://public-api.shiphero.com/graphql \

I receive 400 bad request. Token is ok, because I can fetch orders by api.
Can you help me?

Hi @przemyslaw.pajak
Thank you for providing all those details!
We have an open ticket about this, one of our engineers is looking into it.
I will let you know as soon as this gets resolved.
I appreciate your patience with this,

Hi @przemyslaw.pajak
This should be resolved by now on future orders.
As for the one you noticed that it was not pushing, is there any chance you could send me the order id or the request_id for that shipment?
Thanks again!

Hi, It works now, Thank you :slight_smile:

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