

when trying to update order’s shipping carrier, I get this error:

  "errors": [
      "message": "Field 'OrderShippingLines.carrier' can't be longer than 15",
      "operation": "order_update",
      "field": "order_update",
      "request_id": "6048879d329f0f1b3f83a815",
      "code": 3
  "data": {
    "order_update": null

The carrier field that I send is definitely more than 15 characters, but the existing one of the same order is also more than 15 characters long. Would it be possible to have this limit removed or at least increased significantly?

Right now I am trying to update the shipping method for an order but to do that I also need to include carrier. I reuse the same carrier and get this error :slight_smile:


Hi @Darius_VikingC!
Thanks for the detailed description!
We will be moving it over to 32 shortly (we have an open ticket for that)
In the meantime, if it helps there is this workaround
Thanks for the patience while we change this!

Hi @Darius_VikingC!
My apologies for the long waiting on this.
I just tested it and seems to be working now with longer than 15 char.

Let me know if you still see the error and thanks again for the patience!