Recent change to Shipping Carrier name

This just to FYI for other people, around August this year the carrier names were changed from:

# shipping carrier, shipping method
    ('api', 'Obibox TORONTO', CarrierTypeEnum.OBIBOX),
    ('api', 'Obibox NEXTDAY', CarrierTypeEnum.OBIBOX),
    ('api', 'Livrapide REGULAR', CarrierTypeEnum.LIVRAPIDE),
    ('api', 'Nationex DELIVERY', CarrierTypeEnum.NATIONEX),
    ('api', 'Postage REGULAR', CarrierTypeEnum.POSTAGE),
    ('api', 'ChitChats CHEAPEST', CarrierTypeEnum.CHITCHATS),


# shipping carrier, shipping method
    ('API - Obibox', 'Obibox TORONTO', CarrierTypeEnum.OBIBOX),
    ('API - Obibox', 'Obibox NEXTDAY', CarrierTypeEnum.OBIBOX),
    ('API - Livrapide', 'Livrapide REGULAR', CarrierTypeEnum.LIVRAPIDE),
    ('API - Nationex', 'Nationex DELIVERY', CarrierTypeEnum.NATIONEX),
    ('API - Postage', 'Postage REGULAR', CarrierTypeEnum.POSTAGE),
    ('API - ChitChats', 'ChitChats CHEAPEST', CarrierTypeEnum.CHITCHATS),