Webhook PO Update Not triggering from Shiphero

Hi Tom,

we have registered webhook “PO Update” and we are not getting feed from shiphero whenever the PO get receive.

Below is the Id which is register,

“id”: “QXBpV2ViaG9vazoxNjE1Nzk1”,
“legacy_id”: 1615795,
“account_id”: “QWNjb3VudDo0OTg1MA==”,
“shop_name”: null,
“name”: “PO Update”,
“url”: “https://api.integrator.io/v1/exports/5f43c910dcde5a12c8c456ff/67043f783ee1414b8734d3b0f5b5eb59/data”,
“source”: “api”

please check and confirm


Hi @Mangesh
Do you happen to have a Purchase Order example I could check?
Thanks in advance!

Hi Tom,

PO number, I don’t remember currently, but can’t you check through the id is that the webhook PO Update is successfully triggering from shiphero account or not.


Hi @Mangesh!
I do see records of the webhook triggered, for example, a success trigger on 2020-09-03 19:52:35
Being the response code 204 and some more from that same day
Let me know if that doesn’t help
Thanks again!