What happens in shiphero when the order is put on fraud_hold?


I have this questions because I am using the shiphero api and some orders might be high risk
so when the order is put on frauld hold what happens next? who does the investigation? the shiphero user has to determine if the order should be canceled? Does the store get a notification about this frauld hold field? they have to remove it manually?

This is what our integration is doing when we our model determines that the risk of the order is high:

  1. Fraud Hold: Orders detected with a high risk in delivery are being placed on fraud hold.
  2. Signature Requirement: For orders flagged as requiring signature verification, we are updating the require_signature field to true.

Is this the right way to approach the issue?

Hi @cristobalsv

To answer your questions: The shipHero user has to determine if the order should be canceled.
The store does not get a notification. You can update that value using the order_update_holds mutation, which will allow you to remove or add any hold, for example, in this case:

mutation {
  order_update_holds(data: { order_id: "168356347", fraud_hold: false }) {
    order {
      holds {

Have a nice day!