GraphQL Webhook not working

Webhooks are not working for me… I am updating order for order id “526038”

It should be received at

But nothing is receiving on target url. Please check

Hi @rohitrajv5 !
Do you have the email associated to that account I can check? Or the ShipHero Order ID (this one should be in the URL)
The reason I ask is that I’m not seeing any webhook registered to that URL
Thanks in advance!

@tomasw This is my email address

“name”: “PO Update”,
“url”: “”,
“source”: “api”

Oh I see, without the s, Thanks for clarifying that @rohitrajv5 !
I see that there was a webhook sent to
Today at 7/8/2020, 9:20:32 AM
Is there any chance you might have made a URL change after that?

Thanks again!

No… I cannot change that url… Can we have 2 different hooks for Purchase Order?

Because we are running 2 different systems

Hey @rohitrajv5!
No, you will only be allowed to have one of each Webhook type per account, so 2 po_update webhooks wont work at the same time

@tomasw I am still not able to receive any response on my URL. Can you please check… This is my piece of code to read the inital response

I just updated my PO couple of times… But did not received any response.

$json = json_encode(file_get_contents(‘php://input’));

$file_handle = fopen(‘my_filename.json’, ‘w’);
fwrite($file_handle, $json);

I have replaces my webhook now…I have only 1 webhook

But after updating any PO… Webhook doesn’t call

Hi @rohitrajv5
Thanks for the extra information

I researched a bit and it seems like the webhook is triggering correctly but the server receiving the webhook is returning an error:

Reference: | Method: POST | Status: 406 | Reason: Not Acceptable | 

Response: <head><title>Not Acceptable!</title></head><body><h1>Not Acceptable!</h1><p>An appropriate representation of the requested resource could not be found on this server. This error was generated by Mod_Security.</p></body></html>

I consulted to our engineers and they suggested that in this kind of errors, “generated by Mod_Security” means it was rejected by Apache and the security config

So I guess you should contact the person that is responsible for and ask him about this

Let me know if this doesn’t solve the issue
Thanks again!

Hi @tomasw. Please support me as well on this topic. I registered a webhook for Shipment Update. So I have 2 right now:

The request id for this query is 5f4f9efd35ef0bf976bfd451

But I’m not getting any updates.
My account email is

Thank you in advance.

Hi @varun!
Are those webhooks registered on the Child account? (not the 3PL)
Those webhooks need to be registered on the Child account (customer account)
I apologize we did not have that noted on our documentation, I added it for future reference.
Let me know if that still doesn’t solve the issue
Thanks in advance!

@tomasw I’m not sure I understand what do you mean by customer account. Can you please explain.
What details do you need in order to give me an example of the customer account that I might be able to use

For example, in my 3PL account if I do the following query:

query {
  account {
    data {
      customers {
        edges {
          node {

I get a response back containing the information about a Customer account from the 3PL, this is:

  "data": {
    "account": {
      "request_id": "5f4face1b54775c983f4fb9f",
      "complexity": 101,
      "data": {
        "id": "QWNjb3VudDo2MzM3",
        "legacy_id": 6337,
        "username": null,
        "customers": {
          "edges": [
              "node": {
                "id": "QWNjb3VudDo3NTU0",
                "legacy_id": 7554,
                "username": null

So then I want to request all the webhooks this account has (Customer Account ID 7554) by doing:

query {
  webhooks(customer_account_id: "7554") {
    data(first: 10) {
      edges {
        node {

And then you are able to see what webhooks are set up for customer account 7554
If you will be setting up a NEW webhook then the mutation you should be doing is something like this:

mutation {
    data: { customer_account_id: "7554", url: "<url>", name: "<name>" }
  ) {

So that way it gets registered to the customer account instead of the 3PL account.

Let me know if that helps or if I could explain better.
Thanks again!

Is there a way to register webhook for all customers?
We Don’t have just one customer (request_id: 5f4fbc5bfcb58bd1ba5763fd) and it will be annoying to create/delete/update webhook for each one,
Even if we will setup the webhooks for those customers, this mean that when we will add a new customer we will have to comeback to webhooks…

Hi @varun
We don’t have that feature at the moment, webhooks need to be registered on one account at a time.
I will submit a Feature Request for this to be added, but for now it should be done on each of the customers.
The reason it was implemented that way is because most 3PLs need their customer’s webhook to get trigger into their respective Stores, and not one specific store. Also, webhooks trigger at the Customer’s account level because in that account is where products and orders are created.
What I could request is to have the ability to subscribe ALL the child accounts to a specific webhook.
Let me know if this will work for you.
Thanks again!

Hi @varun @tomasw

From all these conversions what I found is we need to have a 3PL account !! Correct

I have the same issue of webhooks, These are not being triggered. :thinking:

Hi @tomasw , thanks for helping me, I was able to register webhooks for customers and looks like it works.

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Hi @varun

which account do you have? are you using 3PL account ?

Hi @khungersumit!
In case it helps, you could check your account type (and the customers) with this Query:

query {
  account {
    data {
      customers {
        edges {
          node {

If you see some customers or if you get “is_3pl”: true, then your user is on a 3PL account
Let me know if there is anything else I could help with
Thanks again!

@tomasw sorry to bring up this old thread but did you happen to create a Feature Request to subscribe ALL child accounts to a webhook for 3PLs? That would be really helpful for us right now.
